J92 Mahāsāra Jātaka


本生经92: 大精本生

绘图/ 袁美真
设计/ 王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

The Jewel on the King’s Crown and The Pearl Necklace of the Queen

Jātaka 92: Mahāsāra Jātaka
The Jewel on the King’s Crown – The king has lost the jewel on his crown, how to get the thief to return the jewel without wearing everyone?

The Pearl Necklace of the Queen – The queen's pearl necklace was stolen. Several innocents confessed as the thief. Who is the real culprit? How to recover the necklace?

Readability level: Intermediate II
Illustrated by Yan Mee Chen
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Zi Zai Ju
Proofread by Hon Vai Yee

At one time in Jetavana, Buddha, the Teacher, delivered a talk regarding Ᾱnanda Thera[1].

One day, the concubines of King Pasenadi, the King of Kosala, had a self-reflection among themselves.

“The arisen of Buddha is rare, it is also rare to obtain this human birth and with perfect senses,” said the first concubine.

“With such rare opportunities coming together, yet we are unable to go to the monastery to listen to Dhamma, to pay homage to the Buddha, to do alms-giving or make offerings as we like to,” said the second concubine.

“As if we live in a box,” said the third concubine.

“Let us seek permission from the king, to allow a bhikkhu to come over and teach us the Dhamma,” said the fourth concubine.

“Let us learn all possibly we can from him and make offerings as well as conduct other good deeds,” said the fifth concubine.

“In this way, we will not only get the opportunities, but also its rewards,” said the first concubine.

Therefore, they went to meet the king and inform him their thoughts and reasons.

“善哉。” 国王答应了。
“Sādhu (very good),” the king agreed.

One day, while the gardener was cleaning the royal garden for the king, he saw the Teacher seated under a tree.

Then he went to the king and said, “Your majesty, the royal garden is ready, but the Blessed One is sitting under a tree in the garden.”

“很好,朋友,” 国王说道: “那我们到导师那里去听闻佛法!” 于是,就乘了马车去王苑。
“Sādhu, my friend,” said the king, “then, let us go to the Teacher to listen to the Dhamma.” So, he went to the royal garden in his chariot.

At that time, there was an upāsaka (lay disciple) named Chattapāṇi, who had attained the Third Path (anāgāmi), sitting down beside the Teacher and listening to the Dhamma.

波斯匿王看见他,感到怀疑,他站了片刻既而想到:“这一定不是恶人,否则他不会坐在导师身旁听法。” 于是便走近导师身边,顶礼后,坐在一旁。
Seeing him, King Pasenadi felt suspicion and stood for a moment. Subsequently, he thought, 
“He must not be a bad person, else he would not be sitting by the Teacher to listen to the Dhamma.” 
Therefore, he approached the Teacher to pay homage and sit aside.

When Chattapāṇi saw him coming, he reflected, “Shall I rise to greet him?” He came to the following conclusion,

“我坐在万王之王的面前,所以见到一个省的国王时,我没有必要起立。即使他生气,我也不会起立。因为如果我起来迎见国王,那是恭敬国王而不是导师。所以我不会站起来。” 因此,撑伞并没有起立。[2]
“Since I am seated in the presence of the King of kings, I do not need to rise upon seeing the king of a province. I will not rise even if he gets angry. For if I rise on seeing the king, that’s a respect to the king but not to the Teacher. Therefore, I will not rise.” Thus, Chattapāṇi did not rise.[2]

However, when King Pasenadi saw Chattapāṇi did not rise, he felt offended.

Noticing the king’s displeasure, the Teacher praised the virtues of Chattapāṇi, “Great king, this upāsaka is very-learned, expert in the teaching and had given up all pleasure desires.”

“好的。” 国王心想: “导师既然如此称赏他的德行,他当非下贱之辈。”
“Surely.” The king thought, “Since the Teacher praises his virtues, he must not be a despicable person.”

So, the king said to him, “Upāsaka, do let me know if you are in need of anything.”

“Sādhu,” Chattapāṇi accepted.

After the king listened to the Teacher’s teaching, he went a round with his right side turned to the Teacher[3], and left.

一天,国王看见撑伞路过宫殿,便召见他。 撑伞放下凉鞋和雨伞,向国王礼敬,并恭敬地站在一旁。国王对撑伞道:
One day, the king saw Chattapāṇi walking by the palace and thus, summoned him. Chattapāṇi laid aside his sandals and umbrella, then paid respect to the king and stood respectfully aside. The king asked Chattapāṇi,

“Upāsaka, why did you lay aside your umbrella and sandals?”

“当我听到 ‘国王召见你’这句话时,我马上把伞和凉鞋放在一边,然后才到您的面前。”
“Once I heard the sentence, ‘The king summons you,’ I laid aside my umbrella and sandals before I came to you.”

“Obviously, you only learned today that I am the king.”

“I always knew that you were the king.”

“If that is true, then why didn’t you rise when you saw me the other day when you were seated in front of the Teacher?”

“陛下,如果我坐在万王之王的面前,而在看见一个省的国王而站起来,这表示对导师的不恭敬。因此我没有起立。” [4]
“Your majesty, if I seated in front of the King of kings and rose upon seeing a king of a province, it would be disrespectful for the Teacher. Therefore, I did not rise.” [4]

“Very well, let the pass be the pass. I was told that you are very knowledgeable. My ladies are keen to hear the Dhamma. If you are willing to teach them, it will be a good act of religious duty.”

“Your majesty, it is not suitable for a layman to perform the duty of bhikkhus in the king's inner palace. It is appropriate to be done by the venerable teachers.”

“What this man said is reasonable,” the king realised.

The king called upon his concubines to ask, “Dear wives, I will go to the Teacher to invite a bhikkhu to preach and recite the Dhamma. Which one of the eighty chief disciples shall I invite?”

Upon discussion, the concubines said, “Please invite Ānanda Thera, the Treasurer of the Dhamma.”

The king went to the Teacher, paid homage, sat aside and said,

“Bhante, the ladies in palace wish to learn the Dhamma preached by Ānanda Thera, if Thera comes to teach in my palace, it is undoubtedly a very good religious duty.”


导师答应, 随即下令阿难长老。
The Teacher accepted and gave the order to Ānanda Thera.

Ānanda Thera began teaching the king’s concubines regularly.

Usually, they are always happy to hear Dhamma teachings. However, on this day, the Thera found everyone was worried when he entered the palace.

“诸位!今天妳们这是怎么了?” 长老问。
“Everyone, what caused you like this today?” asked the Thera.

One of them said, “Bhante, the jewel on the king’s crown[5] is lost. He ordered the ministers to interrogate everyone in the palace to find the jewel. They started with questioning the ladies and thus, wearing many others. We do not know what will happen to us and therefore, we are unhappy.”

“别想太多了。” 长老安慰她们,随即去见国王。
“Don't think too much.” The Thera comforted them and went to meet the king.

Ᾱnanda Thera told the king that there is a way to find the jewel without wearing everyone.

“Bhante, what is it?”

“大王,用‘分一团’ (piṇḍadāna)的办法。”
“Great king, use a lump-giving (piṇḍadāna) approach.”

“尊者,什么 是‘分一团’呢?”
“What is a lump-giving, Bhante?”

“大王,召集所有的嫌疑者,私下给每人一把草或一团泥土,命令他们: ‘明天清早之前把它拿来,放在指定的地方’。盗宝者会把宝石放在里面。如果第一天就交出来,那就行了。若不行,第二天和第三天仍旧照着这样做。”
“Great king, gather all the suspects, give each a bundle of straw (grass) or a lump of clay privately and demand them to place it at a designated location before the next sunrise. The thief will leave the jewel in it. If it is brought back on the first day, that would be good. Else, repeat the same on the second and third days.”

Ᾱnanda Thera left after saying that.

After the third day, Thera came and asked,

“Great king, has the jewel been returned?”

“Not yet, Bhante,” said the king.

“那么,大王,请在你大庭的角落摆放一个大缸,贮满水。四周张幕遮蔽起来,命令: ‘宫中所有的人,一个一个走进幕内,洗了手然后再回来’。”
“In that case, great king, please put a large pot of water at the corner of your courtyard. Place the curtain around it and demand everyone to go behind the curtain one after another, wash their hands and return.”

The Thera departed after giving his advice. The king then did as he said.

The thief thought to himself, “That Treasurer of the Dhamma is serious upon undertaking this matter, he will not give up until the jewel is found. I’d better return the jewel.”

Therefore, he entered behind the curtain with the hidden jewel, dropped it into the pot and left.

Once everyone was done, the pot was drained, the jewel is found.

“I found my jewel by the help of Ᾱnanda Thera,” said the king joyfully.

Residents of the palace were very grateful to Thera Ᾱnanda for freeing them from great distress.

The power of Thera spread throughout the city and the Sangha members.

The bhikkhus gathered at the Dhamma hall to praise the virtues of the Thera, “Brothers, Ᾱnanda Thera relied on his well-learned, great knowledge and skilfulness to recover the king’s lost jewel and freed everyone from tiredness.”

The Teacher came and asked about the subject of their conversation. Upon being told, He said,

“Bhikkhus, it is not only now that Ᾱnanda able to recover the goods that have fallen in the hands of others. In the past, there was also a wiseman who managed to recover the goods that had fallen into the hands of animals, without tiring everyone.”

Upon invitation by the bhikkhus, the Teacher told the past.

In the past, during the ruling of King Brahmadatta in Bārāṇasī, the Bodhisatta mastered all kinds of knowledge and became one of the king's ministers.

One day, the king and his concubines went into the bathing pond in the royal garden after a walk.

As the Queen was taking off her jewelry and garment, passing it to the female slave to keep safely in a box, a female monkey was watching them intently.

She waited for the right moment when the female slave began to feel asleep, she jumped down in lightning speed to take the pearl necklace and put it on around her neck before quickly jumping back up to the tree.

Fearing that other monkeys would find out, she hid the necklace in the tree hole and pretended to be innocent.

When the female slave awoke, she was terrified once discovered that the necklace is missing. “A man has run off with the Queen’s pearl necklace,” she yelled.

The guards gathered and reported to the king.

“捉拿盗贼!” 国王下令。
“Catch the thief!” said the king.

守卫们离开王苑。“捉贼! 捉贼!”
The guards left the royal garden. “Catch the thief! Catch the thief!”

They marched out for the search.

A villager happened to be walking outside the palace. He fled in terror upon hearing the shouts.

“This is the thief,” cried the guards, catching sight of any runaway.

The guards caught him, beaten and scolded him. “Hey, evil thief! You want to steal away this ‘Most Precious’ jewelry?”

He thought, “If I say, ‘I did not take it’, I am afraid I will die from their beating today. I had better say that I took it.” Therefore, he admitted.

The guards tied him up and brought him to the king.

“Did you steal the ‘Most Precious’?” asked the king.

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Where is it placed now?”

“Your majesty, I have never seen any precious thing in my life previously, not even a bed or a chair. In fact, it was the Treasurer who made me take that ‘Most Precious’. I gave it to him after I got it. He knows all about it.”

Therefore, the king summoned the Treasurer for interrogation,
“Did he take the ‘Most Precious’ jewelry and handed it to you?”
“Yes, your majesty.”
“Where is it then?”
“I had given it to the chaplain[6].”

太阳落下来,“时候不早了。” 国王将五人交给大臣们。
Therefore, the chaplain was summoned for the same interrogation.
“I had given it to the chief musician.” He admitted.
Who in turn said, “I had given it to a courtesan.”
But she said, “I did not take it.”
As the sun set, “It’s late,” the king handed over the five people to his ministers.

The Bodhisatta thought,
“The jewelry was lost in the garden, while this villager was outside the garden.
There was a strong guard at the gate and hence, it was impossible for anyone in the garden to escape with the necklace.
This unlucky man said that he gave it to the treasurer to save himself. The treasurer said that he gave it to the chaplain, in the hope that he will get off the accusation if he joined forces with the chaplain (where both of them were influential senior officials).
The chaplain pointed to the chief musician because he wanted to rely on him to live happily in prison.
The chief musician implicated the courtesan because he wanted her companion during his imprisonment.
None of these five are thieves. Furthermore, there are many monkeys in the garden, the jewelry must have been taken away by one of the female monkeys.”

With this conclusion, the Bodhisatta approached the king. “Great king, please hand over the suspects to me for interrogation.”

“Sādhu, wiseman,” the king said.

The Bodhisatta put the five people in a room. He ordered his servants to watch them carefully, listen carefully to everything they said and report to him.

Their conversations coincided with the Bodhisatta’s inference.

“I must find a way to get the female monkey to drop the stolen jewelry.”

The Bodhisatta then ordered to make many bead necklaces.

Next, he had the monkeys in the garden captured and put on the bead necklaces around their necks, wrists and ankles before releasing them.

These monkeys showed off their necklaces to other monkeys. “See, my jewelry!”

The female monkey felt unbearable and put on the stolen necklace to show off as well. She couldn’t help but said, “These are just beads, mine are real pearls.”

Once she put on the necklace, the men who were ordered by the Bodhisatta to watch over them frightened her at instance and thus, she dropped the necklace.



The Bodhisatta brought the necklace to the king and recounted the details of the incident. The king was pleased and praised the Bodhisatta by saying this stanza: --

“In war, an outstanding warrior is wished for.
In negotiation, a serious person is wished for.
In mealtime, a dear one is wished for.
For profound matters, a wise one is wished for.”

The king rewarded the Bodhisatta with seven kinds of gems as abundance as heavy raining.

The king followed the Bodhisatta’s advices throughout his life, performed charity and other good deeds. Eventually he passed away and reborn according to his kamma.


The Dhamma-teaching ended, the Teacher told the virtues of Ᾱnanda Thera, and showed the connection between the previous birth and the present as follows, “At that time, Ᾱnanda was the king, and I myself was his wise minister.”




A. 佛陀时代之事:

1. 国王的王妃们无法外出听闻佛法,她们如何解决这个问题?
2. 撑伞居士在佛陀面前没对国王起立,这样做正确吗?为什么?
3. 后来另一次,撑伞居士如何礼敬国王?这样做正确吗?为什么?


1. 母猴没有遵守五戒的哪一条戒?
2. (a) 这些人没有持守哪一条戒(村夫、富翁、祭司与音乐师)?
    (b) 他们这么做能解决问题吗?为什么?
3. 一个错导致另一个错,如何制止一再犯错?
4. 菩萨解决了此案,他的对应波罗蜜是什么?
5. 从法的领导学的角度,请讨论国王如何珍惜智者。

Teacher’s Guide

Wisdom Questions:

A. Story during Buddha’s Time:
1. The concubines of the king were not able to go out to listen to the Dhamma, how did they resolve the problem?
2. Chattapāṇi did not rise for the king in the presence of the Buddha, was his action appropriate? Why?
3. In later occasion, how did Chattapāṇi pay respect to the king? Was his action appropriate? Why?

B. Story of the Past:

1. Which one of the five precepts did the female monkey break?
2. (a) Which precept did these people break? (villager, treasurer, chaplain and chief musician)
    (b) Do you think what they did can solve the problem? Why?
3. One crime leads to another, how to stop a repeated crime?
4. Bodhisatta solved the case, what would be his corresponding pārami?
5. From Dhamma-leadership point of view, please discuss on how the king appreciated the wise.


省思 Reflection

Steal out of greed, lie out of fear, learn the truth out of the Wise’s investigation.


[1] 长老(Thera):即戒腊十年或以上的比丘。
Thera: an elder; a senior bhikkhu whose vassa is ten years and above.

[2] 当一位比自己高尚的人在场,智者看到另一个人保持坐着而没起立时,是不会因此而生气。  In the presence of someone more noble, a wise man does not get angry when they see another man remain seated instead of rising.

[3] 【这没有中文注解。】This is a mode of reverential salutation.

[4] 这有关撑伞和波斯匿王的事故,也记载在法句经第51-52偈。
      This incident about Chattapāṇi and King Pasenadi was recorded in Dhammapada verses 51-52.

[5] 古印度国王的王冠是在头巾上镶嵌宝石。
      The crowns of ancient Indian kings were turbans studded with jewels.

[6] Chaplain: a king’s religious adviser.
